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Kata-Kata Ucapan Milad (Ulang Tahun)

I’m so blessed 2 have a friend like u
 This comes with many
 Loving thoughts & warm wishes
 I send 2 u,
 May ur day be filled with laughter
 On this ur special day & may the finest things
 In life always come
 Ur way happy birthday!

Lovely msg for a Lovely Person
 from Lovely Friend
 For a Lovely Reason
 at a Lovely Time
 from a Lovely Mind
 in a Lovely Mood
 in a Lovely Style
 to wish you
 Have a Lovely “BirthDay”

Its a nice feeling when you know
 that someone likes you,
 someone thinks about you,
 someone needs you;
 but it feels much better when
 you know that someone
 never ever forgets your birthday.

It must have been a rainy day
 when you were born,
 but it wasn’t really rain,
 the sky was crying because
 it lost his most beautiful angel…
 happy birthday dear friend

A smile is a curve that
 sets everything straight
 and wipes wrinkle away
 hope u share a lots and
 receive a lots 4 days 2 come
 happy birthday …….

A prayer: 2 bless ur way
 A wish : 2 lighten ur moments
 A cheer: 2 perfect ur day
 A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight and wipes wrinkle away hope u share a lots and receive a lots 4 days 2 come happy Birthday …….

In my past life, god said a gem is going to be born on (date) and i give u a boon that u get to be this beautiful gem’s friend…
 couldnt ask for anything more but thank the god for giving me a friend like u…
 happy birthday and dont forget that someone somewhere is wishing for ur happiness on every falling star.”



Today is a day of celebration. Why? xx years ago on the same day, GOD sent me my flesh and bone conscience. Wishing my Friendly Inner Voice a very happy b-day. Hugs & Kisses’

Friendship is about. bringing out the positive when everything seems negative…
 being accepted for who you are…
 being able to pick up right where you left off…
 sharing, talking, and laughing…
 Friendship is about us, and for that I’m grateful.
 And I hope you have the best birthday ever, friend!

When I look at you, I can’t deny there is a God, cause only God could have created someone as wonderful and beautiful as you. Happy B’day

Smile..laugh..and be happy!!
 Coz a brand new day has come…
 The rainbow has appeared after the violent storm, the flowers has bloom after the freezing winter, and the wounded heart has healed after it broken.

Jepang : O tanjobi, omedeto gozaimasu
 Chinese-Mandarin : qu ni sheng er kuai le
 Perancis : Joyeux Anniversaire!
 Latin : Fortuna dies natalis!
 Rusia : S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
 India : Janam Din ki badhai! or Janam Din ki shubkamnaayein!

Sungguh masa depan itu memang ada karena kau telah berhasil melewati satu 1 tahun lagi masa usiamu. Selamat ulang tahun untuk sahabat terbaikku.

Hal yang terkecil membentuk kesempurnaan, namun kesempurnaan bukanlah hal yang kecil. Happy b’day sobat

aku menikmati kesedihan dan air mata.... sebab dengan air mata aku lebih dapat melihat. Dan kesedihan mengajariku bahasa hati untuk mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun kepadamu.

Waktu berjalan tiada henti
 mengiringi rembulan dan mentari
 yang terbit nan tenggelam setiap hari
 mengiringi usiamu yang terus bertambah dari hari ke hari
 hingga saat ini..
 selamat ulang tahun.

Jln2 k kota Medan, oleh2nya buah tomat.
 Hnya ini yg bs Ku ucapkan, Selamat Ulang Thn padamu sobat,,
 Moga dg brtambahnya usia, XXX jd tmbah imoet, pjg umuR,
 sehat sllu, n sgala cita2 dpt trwjud, n bhgia sllu.

ADA SesWATU bWt qMu!!, coba yaaa
 Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
 Happy Birthday, may happiness,
 long life and prosperity be with you.
 Sebenarnya ku ingin pergi menemuimu tapi ..cape deh
 Sebenarnya ku ingin belikanmu kue ulang tahun, tapi .. cape deh

Sebenarnya ku ingin berikanmu kado tapi .. cape deh
Sebenarnya ku ingin pikirkan hadiah terbaik buat ultahmu tapi.. cape deh
 Maka kukirimkan sms ini sebagai hadiah ulang tahun kamu yang ke-XX agar aku ga cape deh
 Hii met ultah yaa...

Waktu bergulir..
 Dtik berganti dtik
 HAri berganti hari..
 Bulan berganti bulan..
 Dan tanpa terasa 1 tahun sudah terlewati ;
 Dan kuingat sekarang adalah tahun ke... setelah kau lahir..
 Dan q ingin menguvcapkan selamat ulang tahun untukmu..

~HAppy Birthday~
 Selamat Ulang Tahun
 ingatlah, jatah mu hidup di dunia sudah berkurang satu tahun
 coba flashback berapa banyak dosa yang Qmu udah perbuat?
 berapa banyak amal baik yang qmu persiapkan buat di akhirat?
 berapa banyak waktu yang Qmu buang percuma?

wish you the best,
 best life, best career, best health
 best jodoh, best iman N islam,
 + Semoga Allah semakain sayang padamu

Ingin kudekat dan menangis di pangkuanmu
 Sampai aku tertidur, bagai masa kecil dulu
 Lalu doa-doa baluri sekujur tubuhku
 Dengan apa membalas…ibu…ibu….
 Seperti udara… kasih yang engkau berikan
 Selamat Ulang tahun Ibu Tercinta!!!

Pelangi senja di langit jingga
 Awan menari lembayung tertawa
 menyambut hari indah telah tiba
 sebait kalimat seribu Doa.
 Hanya untuk mu sahabatku tercinta.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY lovely friend….

For your birthday……..i want to wish you a happy happy bday & also want you to know that you are loved by all of your friends. always take care. GOD bless you & ur family. love you

I believe u have climbed high mountains, walked on thorny paths, sailed on the raging seas and took a ride on dangerous highways. C’mon let’s face it; Your God – Allah has always been faithful all the way. Enjoy your day, you are worth it. Happy Birthday.

Congratulations to you, my old friend,
 Birthday wishes to you, I do send.
 You look good for your age, I could say,
 But you look good to me any day.
 When I look in the mirror, I sigh,
 ‘Cause I know the mirror doesn’t lie.
 You’re aging like me, so you surely can see
 That you’re getting to be an old guy

“Fly in the plane of ambition,
 and land on the airport of success,
 Luck is yours,
 wish is mine
 may ur future
 always shine. . .
 “Happy BIRTHDAY 2 YOU”.

Hey,u r 1 year older now,1 year smarter now,1 year bigger now,and now u r 1 year closer to all your wishes.happy birthday

 may GOD’S loving u hands be upon u today
 to freshen ur soul & body! HAPPY B-DAY.

On your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy;
 I hope all of your wishes come true.

May each hour and minute be filled with delight,
 And your birthday be perfect for you!
Some things r left undone,
 some words r left unsaid,
 some feelings are left unexpressed,
 but some ones as nice as you
 could never be left unwished,
happy birth day to u!

May the journey of your life be fragrant with new opportunities,
 Your days be bright with new hopes and your heart be happy with love!
 May this day bring prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your family.
 Happy Birth Day

Semoga perjalanan hidupmu akan harum dengan peluang baru,
 Hari-harimu menjadi terang dengan harapan baru dan hatimu menjadi senang dengan cinta!
 Semoga hari ini membawa kemakmuran, cinta, kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan dalam keluargamu.
 Selamat Ulang Tahun

Diambil dari berbagai sumber

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